The gold standard qualification for Strength & Conditioning in the UK is UKSCA Accreditation, which guarantees professional standards of knowledge and delivery.
UKSCA Accredited S&C coaches are focused on getting you better in your sport by using scientifically proven methods.
Strength and Conditioning is more than lifting weights, it includes accurate performance measurement, improving movement skills, making sure an athlete's imbalances are removed, nutrition, recovery and injury prevention.
Performance Analysis: £99 for initial testing and report, with follow-on sessions at £35 per hour.
Choose from a range of tests including strength, speed, power, agility, endurance, video analysis of movement skills, lifting technique and functional movement screening.
Full analysis and evaluation report including recommendations on sport specific strengths and weaknesses, training loads, intensities, remedial exercises and technique improvement.
Travel costs may apply, along with venue hire costs if applicable.
Strength and Conditioning Coaching: £99 plus venue hire if applicable, with extra sessions @ £25 each.
Full performance analysis, evaluation report and a minimum of 3 months coaching including unlimited support by email, phone or social media.
Minimum of 3 months contract. Travel costs may apply.
1: 1 available without the monthly package at £45 plus travel and entrance fees if applicable.
Remote Strength and Conditioning Coaching: £99 per month
S&C programmes need to be individualised to you, wherever you are and built around your strengths, weaknesses, personal goals and access to facilities.
We don’t do one size fits all, our programmes aren’t off the shelf or copied from a book or magazine– they are built and designed around you by highly qualified and experienced Coaches and Physios.
You will be screened, tested and monitored remotely so you can fit sessions into your lifestyle.
We also work with many athlete’s Physios and personal Coaches to create an all-round training package – your own performance support team!
We’ll coach you to learn how to do the exercises correctly and avoid injury.
Give you detailed feedback.
You will have unlimited access to coaching support via email, text, phone etc
Minimum 3-month term.